Essential blogging tools every blogger needs

When it comes to blogging success, choosing essential blogging tools is a task every blogger needs that plays a crucial role. Although there are many

                            Essential blogging tools every blogger needs

In the rapidly growing online world, blogging has become an effective way to communicate and influence others. If you want to be successful as a blogger, you need to be prepared with the right tools. Through this article, we will talk about important tools that every blogger needs to improve the quality of your content, enhance your presence on social media platforms, improve your site in search engines, and analyze your blog's performance. We will also learn how to properly use these tools to achieve the best results and achieve your goals as a successful blogger.

Essential blogging tools every blogger needs

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Top 10 essential tools for blogging

When it comes to blogging success, choosing essential blogging tools is a task every blogger needs that plays a crucial role. Although there are many tools available in the digital marketing market, you must be wise in choosing the ones that best suit your individual needs and help you achieve your goals.

  • 1. Essential Blogging Tools Choose a topic with Buzzsumo

Choosing a topic to blog about isn't always easy. To be successful in blogging, you must have a correct understanding of people's interests and write about those interests using new templates. This first tool helps us find these interests.

Buzzsumo actually has crawlers like those used in the Google search engine that constantly monitor and index blog posts, and then rank the results based on how often they are shared on social networks. In this way, we can see what content has received good comments in the past in social networks and then start writing articles with these fields.

Simply visit this web service's website and type a keyword related to your industry on its home page.

  • 2. Find the most popular posts for competitor blogs with basic blogging tools Quick Sprout

One way to find out what content you are lacking in producing on your blog is to analyze the content of your blog's competitors. The second tool does this for free. You just need to go to the website of this service, enter the domain name of the blog you want and then click on the search button.

  • 3.Check the ranking of different blog content in search engines with the help of Open Site Explorer

One of the ways to increase website visitors is to increase your website's ranking in search engines. This way, those who search for topics that are also covered on your site can easily see them on the initial pages of the search, and this way you will have more and more visitors.


The most important algorithm for ranking websites uses reverse link analysis. In other words, the more websites a page links to, the better it will rank.

Our third service ranks domain pages by the number of backlinks they have on the web. This obviously tells you to write more similar posts with more backlinks if you are looking to rank better in search engines.

You can use this service to check which pages have the highest number of backlinks on your competitors' blogs. Then write better posts with similar topics and email all those who linked to this post from our competitor's blog and ask them to link to our post as well. If you are looking for a template to send an email, you can visit it here.

  • 4. Essential Blogging Tools Attract traffic by sending emails

Do you know what is the best source of visits for many websites is e-mail!!

That is why on all pages of many blogs there is a place for registering a reader's e-mail, which is called a subscription. If you want to generate subscriptions for your blog, you can use tools like Bounce Exchange or OptinMonster.

Once you've built your email list, you can send emails to your registered readers through a service like GetResponse, MailChimp, or Aweber.

By sending an email, you can notify your readers of the publication of each of your blog posts. But if you publish more than three posts per week, it is better to send an email weekly rather than an email per post to avoid annoying email recipients.

  • 5. Improve your blog’s ranking in search engines by installing basic Yoast SEO plugin tools

It is necessary to improve the ranking of the blog in the search engines. Fortunately, if you have a WordPress blog, this is very easy. All you have to do is install this plugin and follow the instructions in the installation video.

This plugin provides everything you need from setting up meta tags to creating a sitemap. This plugin does all the work for you. Best of all, this plugin is completely free.

  • 6. Essential tools for blogging Speed up your blog loading speed with W3 Total Cache

You probably know that one of the important factors affecting your website traffic is that the loading speed is high.

You can increase your loading speed with several basic blogging tools. One of the main ways is to choose a good web host, you have a wide range of options.

Another important factor in improving website load time is the use of a CDN. CDN or Content Delivery Network is a technology that replicates your website to several servers in different parts of the world. This way, if someone from Canada wanted to visit your website, they would get it from a server in Canada and not an Iranian server. Most hosts also offer a CDN option, which is easy to activate with the click of a button.

In addition to the above points, you should also pay attention to the fact that site organization is very effective in reducing loading time. A website with messy code is likely to load slower. Using basic blogging tools called W3 Total Cache You can optimize your blog code in just a few clicks. You just need to follow the instructions and the important thing is that you don't need any technical knowledge of programming.

  • 7. Basic tools for blogging Check how much of your blog post is being read with Crazy Egg

You may be interested to know what percentage of your post text is usually read by your readers. The fact that the page on a post scrolled to the end can indicate how much of the article has been read. You can get an answer to this question with the help of the not-for-free Crazy Egg basic blogging tools service and a few tests.

  • 8. Hello Bar It will achieve all your blogging goals

No matter what your blog is about, you have a purpose for writing it. These goals can be to get people to email to increase the number of followers on social networks, to add to your target brand reputation or to spread a particular message, or many other reasons.

Essential blogging tools that we provide in this section add red tape to the top of your website that will help you achieve all of these goals. By creating a free account on this service's website and choosing your goals, Hello Bar will help you achieve them.

The best part about this tool is that you can test each of your goals to check the degree of fulfillment.

  • 9. Get ideas for readers with Qualaroo

You should be interested in getting ideas from your readers. Basic blogging tools that we present in this section create a dialog box in one corner of your blog and ask the reader the question you want. For example, as shown below, you could ask your readers: What else do they expect to read on this blog?


This way, your readers tell you what they think. The interesting thing is that Qualaroo can aggregate these opinions and results and report them to you.

  • 10. Essential tools for blogging Find the best time to post with Simply Measured

This is a collection of tools, some of which are free. One of these essential blogging tools tells you when is the best time to send a tweet or share an article on Facebook


These reports include:

  • Words or phrases that users would like to see on social networks.
  • The time of day they use this social network.
  • Top users who follow your posts and their waking hours on that social network.
  • The reason for using this tool is obvious because you definitely want to post at a time when more readers will see it.

  • Conclusion

Blogging will be easier and more productive with basic blogging tools that increase readership and facilitate brainstorming. We hope you enjoyed reading our article on important tools every blogger needs to be successful. The blogosphere is full of challenges and competition, but with the right tools you can reach the top.

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